
Blakesley Burkhart, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Einstein Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Works on simulations and observations of turbulence on a variety of scales, ranging from examining turbulence in the solar wind, the interstellar medium within galaxies, and the intergalactic medium within clusters of galaxies.

Pierre Christian, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Astronomy graduate student specializing in testing the general theory of relativity in the vicinity of black holes. A member of the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, which demonstrated sub-nanoradian resolution at millimeter wavelengths.

Marion Dierickx, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Astronomy graduate student at Harvard, specializing in the dynamics of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies and their satellite galaxies. Won the Hoopes Prize and the Leo Goldberg Prize for best senior thesis in Astrophysics in 2012.

James Guillochon, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Einstein Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Performs simulations of dynamical and transient phenomena about black holes, such as the destruction of stars by tides and the production of semi-relativistic hypervelocity stars.

Nia Imara, Harvard University | Astrophysics
The inaugural postdoctoral fellow of the Future Faculty Leaders program at Harvard. Her work focuses on giant molecular clouds, the birth sites of stars, as well as on the properties and cosmological effects of galactic and intergalactic dust.

Yanfei Jiang, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Einstein Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Has developed a numerical techniques for simulating radiation hydrodynamics which he has applied to disks surrounding black holes and the interiors of massive stars.

Gongjie Li, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Junior Postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows. Studies the complex dynamics of multi-body gravitational systems and how they can exhibit collective behavior that leads to disruptive encounters between stars, planets, and black holes.

Henry Lin, Harvard University | Physics
Undergraduate student of Harvard college with interests in cosmology and the search for alien life. Won the Intel Young Scientist award in 2013 and was named one of Forbes magazine’s 30 under 30 in 2015 (being only 20 years old at the time).

Zac Manchester, Harvard University | Wafer design and optimization
Zac Manchester is a researcher and aerospace engineer with broad interests in dynamics and control and a passion for making spaceflight more accessible. He is especially interested in taking advantage of advancements in embedded electronics and computation to build spacecraft that are smaller, smarter, and more agile. He founded the KickSat project in 2011 and has also worked on unmanned aerial vehicles and several small spacecraft missions.

Natalie Mashian, Harvard University | Physics
Physics graduate student at Harvard, specializing in the interstellar medium of galaxies of the nearby and the early universe, as well as gravitational lensing. Won a fellowship from the National Science Foundation.

Igor Pikovski, Harvard University | Atomic Physics
Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard’s Institute for Theoretical Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. Studies the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics on laboratory scales as well as the early universe.

Lorenzo Sironi, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard’s Institute for Theory and Computation, former Einstein fellow, and incoming assistant professor at Columbia University. Studies the relativistic acceleration of particles in astrophysical shocks using particle-in-cell techniques, in the context of the coronae of accretion disks and jets around black holes.

Ioana Zelko, Harvard University | Astrophysics
Astronomy graduate student at Harvard, specializing in 21-cm mapping of hydrogen in cosmology.