Nov 05, 2016 04:35
Breakthrough Initiatives
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
"Sep 25, 2016 20:16Stan EvansPosted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
You could use a network of the crafts at differing distances to use the pressure caused by the atmosphere to mao the direction of the planet."
Thanks for the response. We will certainly take it into account in the design of the mission.
- Avi Loeb, Breakthrough Starshot
Mar 11, 2017 22:52
Ricardo Fedele
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Suponiendo que lancen 1000000 de nano naves, es claro que no todas partirán al mismo momento, pero siendo posible dominar la aceleración y dirección dadas a cada una , variando la potencia o el tiempo de impulso, entonces es posible garantizar que un buen número llegaran todas juntas (mismo dia , hora y mas o menos unos minutos) a una región , supongamos circular de 1UA, con un retraso que se intentara sea mínimo.
Mediante el uso de radiofrecuencia , al estilo de los GPS, las que ubicaran a las que estén mejor posicionadas, e independientemente del fin que se le de a los láseres a bordo, se puede hacer ,utilizar una fracción del millón de láseres disponibles para apuntar a la vela de una o varias naves, con el propósito de reducir su velocidad, suponiendo un 80% sobrevivan al viaje se pueden tener 800000 W apuntando a una sola nave, no es mi intención aburrir con cálculos , pero con 24 hs de exposición se pueden impulsar 6 o 7 naves , a órbitas gravitacionalmente estables, (elípticas al menos).
Si la vela puede recargar la batería esas naves enviaran información durante mucho mas tiempo.
Quizá peco en desconocer el tiempo que puede durar la batería del láser,que impondrá un límite práctico a la idea.
Es lógico que todo lleva una serie de cálculos, programas de comunicación entre naves, pero sin mas precisiones es solo una linda idea que quería aventurarles, y me gustaría saber si no es molestia, si el tema ya ha sido analizado y descartado, pues me encantaría saber en que falla mi argumento.... saludos , exito, y gracias por leer.
Mar 21, 2017 18:50
Breakthrough Initiatives
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Mar 11, 2017 22:52 Ricardo Fedele Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Thank you very much for your question. We have designed the system to launch one vehicle each day. This sizes much of the system energy usage. From the size of the energy storage facility to the size of the energy generation facilities. This system will be capable of moving material around the solar system. In earth orbit or out to Pluto. It should be boon to exploration. Probes to Mars in days Jupiter in weeks Pluto in months. Using information technology to communicate between the ships will certainly help us achieve our goals.
- Pete Klupar, Breakthrough Starshot
Jun 06, 2017 12:53
Robert Clark
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
The Breakthrough Starshot program has been envisioned as a flyby. However, it may be possible to slow it down so it stays within the stellar system. One method is by breaking against the solar wind emitted by the destination star.
A preliminary calculation suggests that for a 10 meter wide sail carrying a gram sized payload for the solar wind similar to that of the Sun, a craft moving a relativistic speeds should be able to brake against the wind to slow enough speeds to remain inside the stellar system.
Bob Clark
Jun 28, 2017 14:16
Meir Schaechter
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
This might only work if a probe passes very close to the star or a very massive planet with powerful a gravitational field, but perhaps the probes could be designed in such a way that the center of mass of the probe lines up with the camera at the very edge of the probe. This would mean that if a probe passes close enough to the star or a planet, the gravitational pull of the body will pull more on the heavier side of the probe, causing that side to rotate towards the body as it passes by. If the camera is placed on this edge, the camera will be rotated to point towards the body. This method of pointing the camera is good because it potentially requires no on-board power source, but instead takes advantage of the gravity of the object the probe is trying to take a picture of.
Jul 15, 2017 03:47
Breakthrough Initiatives
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Jun 06, 2017 12:53 Robert Clark Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
The possible breaking was indeed discussed by R. Heller and M. Hippke in
However this scheme requires extremely thin sails and passage very close to the stars in the Alpha Centauri system, which pose major challenges to the survival of the sail due to excessive heating and stress.
- Avi Loeb, Breakthrough Starshot
Nov 14, 2017 14:26
Fernando Rapetti
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Why not send the probes in groups, so that at least some of them can get the data from the first probes before they reach their destination? Sending data from the probes to earth and then back to the probes would take like 8 years to travel, but if you follow another idea posted elsewere, of sending a stream of probes that relay information between each other to ease the power, detection, and pointing accuracy requirements, then the probes would be getting the information captured by all the probes launched before them, and would be able to make corrections based on that information. Then, you won't need to completely rely on AI to solve the problem instantly while passing next to the planet. Maybe you can even correct the trajectory of the remaining probes to get closer to the planet.
Jul 25, 2018 12:22
Sebastiaan van
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
Before we shoot at stars we should first do trial runs on flybys of Venus, Mars and Mercury and see if we can create a stable image
Sep 15, 2018 00:09
Breakthrough Initiatives
Posted on: Breakthrough Initiatives
This is an excellent suggestion. Our plans include a series of tests, including space tests of both the nano craft and a sub scale laser photon engine. This intermediate system, which could be built in the next 10-15 years, could include flybys of planets and objects within our solar system. We are even looking at flying by objects very far from earth, but still in the solar system. These objects are beyond Pluto in the outer solar system and are known as “Oort Cloud” and "Kuiper Belt” objects. These intermediate tests could return fundamental science data as well as validating the technology needed for interstellar missions.
- S. Pete Worden, Breakthrough Starshot